HAWAII FISHING NEWS brings it all to you! Sportfishing in Hawaii is year-round! Aptly titled by HAWAII FISHING NEWS in 1977, the "Blue Marlin Capital of the World." Hawaii offers six species of billfish plus yellowfin (ahi), skipjack (aku), dogtooth, bonito, albacore & bigeye tuna. Other species of offshore game fish include wahoo (ono), dolphin fish (mahimahi), great barracuda (kaku) & rainbow runner (kamanu,or Hawaiian salmon). Bottom fishing is also popular in Hawaii with good catches of snapper at depths of 10 to 100 fathoms. Inshore waters of Hawaii, with 700 miles of fishable shoreline, draw the most activity from anglers. Heavy-duty shore casting rigs allow anglers to tackle giant ulua (jacks) of up to 200 lbs as they prowl the reefs at night. Medium tackle and ultralight fishing clubs have sprung up in Hawaii as anglers have discovered the excitement of fishing for the many other species that make the reefs and sandy channels their homes. Freshwater enthusiasts are not to be denied as Hawaii has more varieties of freshwater game fish than most areas of the mainland; these include largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, oscar, tucunare, channel catfish and rainbow trout. What all this adds up to? Hawaii is a great place to fish!
Hawaii Fishing News
March Almanac
March Fishing Forecast
The Blue Trevally: Its Time Has Come
10th Annual Big Island Fishing Tournament
Japan’s Floater Fishins Technique
…from the fishwife
It Might’ve Been A Record
Humuhumu Wins Popular Vote For State Fish of Hawai‘i
No Humuhumu Should Represent Hawai‘i
Poisoning and Hawai‘i’s Fisheries
The Extravagance Of Spinning Reels
Markins Change Proposed For Documentation
Kincaid Country
Akule Fishing With A Fly Rod
At the State Capitol… • Fishing & Marine-Related Bills that may Affect HFN Readers
Tackle Talk
FISHING Hawaii Style®
Kaua‘i County
Lahaina Town
Lana‘i—The Pine Isle
Poke Poling
Kaneohe Junior Fishing Tournament
Windward Coast
Fishing/Boating Enhancement Derailed In Budget
Kewalo Basin
Tournament Talk
Kona Log
Kona Catch Report • KONA COAST Blue Marlin Capital of the World!
Fishing Hawai‘i Attractive To Californians
Wai‘anae Coast Fishing
The Pohaku Man and the Squid Lure
Making The Most Of Marine Electronics
FAD Update
Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council
Is Critical Habitat Designation for the Monk Seal Needed?
Hawaii Fishing Coalition—Busy at Work